Real & Fun VO

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Lee Colee - Wit and Whimsy VO
Christmas Cancelled? by Lee Colee

Christmas Cancelled?


lee colee female voice artist

The Blog of Lee Coleé

After 30 some odd years working in opera, dance, stage, film, music theatre, and cabarets all across the US, she’s ready to pack all of that creative prowess into a tiny padded cave with just her and a mic for her next adventure in the world of voiceover.

Sometimes I wonder if Christmas was cancelled and there were going to be no more Christmas holiday seasons
after this upcoming one, what gifts would I want to receive this year?  And what would I want give to those I
loved?  If Christmas was cancelled, there would be no more Christmas trees, Christmas carols, Santa Claus or his reindeer.  No more shopping, parties, turkey dinners and Christmas cookies at the office.  And no more holiday movie classics like,
“It’s a Wonderful Life,” A Christmas Story,” “White Christmas,” and all the others.

Now I’ve made you all sad and depressed!  But cheer up quick because now that we realize what we could lose, we’ll value what we already have even more!  For some, no more Christmas would be a relief.  It can be an anxiety marathon of crass commercialism and keeping up with all the parties you’re invited to.  Those of us who would still celebrate Jesus’ birth and or Hanakah as the reason for the season will gather in our local churches for fellowship and the joy of faith.

Some of us feel that Christmas is truly for children and the child still within each of us I think would feel very sad and empty without the MERRY season.    Have you noticed when the holidays arrive, people smile more, charities are blessed with increased donations, family and friends come together and children are joyous being out of school!

If Christmas was banished next year, what I’d love to give this year to those I love is freedom from fear.  To give them freedom from the fear of inadequacy, the fear of being alone, of rejection, of loving someone completely and most importantly, the freedom  from fear to love one’s own self.

As for what I would hope to receive is forgiveness for the hurt I may have caused anyone and to know that I am loved and cared for with reassurance that I am valued for who I am, just as I am.  I believe there are only two real emotions:  love and fear.  Imagine the world conquering fear!  Think of the things we could accomplish by no longer worrying about future abundance, fear of the truth, fear of loss, fear of change.  Instead, with much less to fear, love would eliminate stress, distrust, anxiety and anger.  We’d begin to celebrate individual accomplishments, strong relationships, contentment, even wisdom and dare I say, happiness? Hate might become a foreign concept and feel more like occasional frustrations.

So, my Christmas wish to all of you is Happy Merry Christmas and a fearless New Year!  I wish you joy, prosperity and lots of love!

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