Real & Fun VO

Entertaining and playful.

Uniquely engaging.

Lee Colee - Wit and Whimsy VO

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lee colee female voice artist

The Blog of Lee Coleé

After 30 some odd years working in opera, dance, stage, film, music theatre, and cabarets all across the US, she’s ready to pack all of that creative prowess into a tiny padded cave with just her and a mic for her next adventure in the world of voiceover.

It is wonderful to get your responses to my blog! Many of you are asking about my background before VO and at the risk of boring you I’ll gladly fill you in. We all love to talk about ourselves right? I’ll try to keep it interesting!

First, my age is an unlisted number that I’ve totally forgotten ! I come from a background of musical theatre, opera, directing and coaching. I was also a dancer and choreographer for much of my professional life. An honest to God triple threat, right? Quadruple if you count the piano but I don’t. I use it like a typewriter. Just enough sill to get the job done. I’ve always considered myself to be an entertainer at heart. My idols were Judy Garland, Fred Astaire, Liza Minnelli, Gwen Verdon to name just a few. Today, they include Adele, Jim Alburger, Patrick Fraley, Thomas Young, Sutton Foster and Kristen Chenoweth.. Oh, and Jennifer Hudson. I bet many of you don’t even know of some of these names! Told you I was a bit older!

Other interesting gigs I’ve had? I was a professional belly dancer and did singing telegrams while tap dancing and wearing a ridiculous heart. I’ve been an opera singer doing mostly Mozart but I did sing opera on the street corner in full costume for tips! Ever heard O Mio Babbino, Caro while in the drive thru at Chic Fi let? And finally, I owned, operated and directed two full time businesses. I had my own theatre, The Black Diamond Cabaret Theatre and Lee Colee’ Studios and Conservatory for Performing Arts. A lot of my alumni students are now working in the industry so of course I’m very proud! As we all know, everything has its life span. I retired from that hectic life since I was worn out. My tongue was hanging down around my knees!

Unlike my mom who is a true extrovert, I never needed endless compliments and always being center stage. A rousing curtain call, that paycheck and the respect of my peers were always my priority.

I’ve sampled all facets of the industry except VO. No more costumes, makeup, middle of the night location shooting, weeks of rehearsals, travel, you get the idea. One of my many new coaches who is also a VO says he “does his best work in a small padded room.”

That’s where I’m headed. To my own padded booth in my PJs. Wish me luck if you too are on this path. Break a leg! Now, if I can just find those headphones. Got em! They fell behind the desk!

Be safe over the holidays and I want to wish you all a very Merry Happy Christmas! And may 2022 be safe, healthy, prosperous and joyful for all of us!

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