Real & Fun VO

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Lee Colee - Wit and Whimsy VO
Life in the Vast Lane, blog post by Lee Coleé

Life in the Vast Lane


lee colee female voice artist

The Blog of Lee Coleé

After 30 some odd years working in opera, dance, stage, film, music theatre, and cabarets all across the US, she’s ready to pack all of that creative prowess into a tiny padded cave with just her and a mic for her next adventure in the world of voiceover.

This past month has been a whirl wind. Moving up in the ranks if VO means the merry go round spins so much faster! For example, I’m upgrading to a new recording and editing program and the tutoring that goes with that. My auditions come fast and furious with only an hour or two turn around allowed. My tech skills are better but moving to the new program has me discombobulated and back to square one, which obviously slows me down. But hey, growth hurts, right? I should be six feet tall and about 200 pounds based on how much I’ve “grown.”

Plus, I have not given up on my on camera career. I just landed a great gig that will have me working abroad for several weeks. I can’t divulge details yet, due to a nondisclosure agreement but I’m excited and can’t wait to share the details when I’m able to.

All this activity reminds me how vast this world of performing really is. There are so many avenues to explore, world wide, that weren’t remotely possible when I was young and just starting out.

Because the merry go round spins faster now, it does take courage and fortitude to jump on a moving vehicle and hang on! And don’t forget multi-tasking! Just this month I’ve had to get my passport in order, prepare to kennel My Kitty, cancel the mail delivery, start my packing plans after researching the weather where I’m going, get my hair cut, etc.

When I am on that plane, I’m definitely going for at least two glasses of wine (I have just one sniff and I can’t drive). The vastness of it all is amazing. Kay Bess, a well established VO, cautions us, “Don’t be in a hurry.” Brad Hyland, one of my coaches, constantly tells me, “Don’t push!”

What a relief to truly realize I don’t have to hurry or force a result. With so many opportunities out there, my name has to be on a few million of them, right? And best of all, I’m happier now then I’ve ever been.

I admit I have to catch my breath at times as I move in the vast lane but some day I’ll have “My People,” to do my multi tasking. I’ll be keeping my eyes forward toward the next vast opportunity! If you’re in the lane beside me, I’ll wave!

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