Real & Fun VO

Entertaining and playful.

Uniquely engaging.

Lee Colee - Wit and Whimsy VO

Absolutely Nothing to Do with VO!


lee colee female voice artist

The Blog of Lee Coleé

After 30 some odd years working in opera, dance, stage, film, music theatre, and cabarets all across the US, she’s ready to pack all of that creative prowess into a tiny padded cave with just her and a mic for her next adventure in the world of voiceover.

Does anyone share my frustration with the way TV and film is being presented lately?  I’m not talking about bad or good actors, writing talent, content or political correctness.  The issue is, you can’t see it  anyway!  That’s what I’m talking about!  A visual medium is meant to be seen, right?

So why is a majority of the last few TV shows and movies I’ve watched were filmed in the dark or deep shadow?  The time of day is often in the mid afternoon!  Come on, people!  It seems a lot of cinematographers are getting really stingy with the lighting.  I want to see the actors’ faces, not an artsy shadowed profile.  The director and producer must be working on a bare bones budget or hiding a lot of secrets but no one is going to see their award winning vision.

And since I’m an actress, I want my best side well lit!  You can certainly shadow a flaw or two on my other side, but I’m proudly stating, “I want my skills and talents to shine!”

As an audience, don’t forget we want to also enjoy the great sets, appreciate the location and oogle the fantastic wardrobes.  An example of cinematic perfection  is every episode of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.”  Fantastic acting with costumes and period sets to die for!  And you can see it all without squinting!

If we have to accept that movies filmed in blackout conditions are the new norm, we’ll need military night vision goggles before we even reach for the remote. The nudie scenes and the monsters in the dark will be titillations of the past.  Hhmm, maybe children can then watch them during family time.  There’s a positive in everything! Even I might do a nude scene if it was in the dark.  I’d also be so flattered I was asked.

But what about language you might ask.  Well, what about it?  The underscoring is at times so loud you only hear the second half of the bad words anyway.  Since the “F” word has become a filler word like “like,” it won’t be missed.  You might still hear an “uck,” once in a while.

I’m so glad I went into VO!  When I’m blessed with a gig, I know I’m going to be heard loud and clear. No makeup, no wardrobe , no lights needed.  (Maybe my listeners will wonder what I look like.)  You know, I wonder what the VO for that Australian ghekko looks like!

Tonight, I’m going to catch episodes of “Outlander,” “The Crown,” and a rerun or two of “I Love Lucy,” with no need for night vision goggles.  Please cinematographers, let there be light!

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