Real & Fun VO

Entertaining and playful.

Uniquely engaging.

Lee Colee - Wit and Whimsy VO
Lee Colee: Happy New Year and Announcing the Demo that’s Gonna Change the World!

Happy New Year and Announcing the Demo that’s Gonna Change the World!


lee colee female voice artist

The Blog of Lee Coleé

After 30 some odd years working in opera, dance, stage, film, music theatre, and cabarets all across the US, she’s ready to pack all of that creative prowess into a tiny padded cave with just her and a mic for her next adventure in the world of voiceover.

2022 just has to rock!  That time has come!  The demo that I plan to change the world with!  My world anyway.  Those future clients will be speechless with shock and awe!  National commercials like Flo and the Australian gecko in those insurance spots, all by next year.  Disney movies and cartoons a year after that!

Well, I’m forced to remember that if you tell God your plans…you find he has a sense of humor!  But dreams are important.  I just have to also remember not to get ahead of myself.

The first part of the process was absolutely nailing down what I do best right now!  This has taken months of experimenting with my coaches, my manager and through lots (and lots!) of auditions.  I’m so grateful to my agents for believing in me enough to submit me for work without a recent demo.  You can’t help but get better and better with a team all rooting for your success!

We discovered I have an excellent talent for character work and animation.  For me, it’s also the most fun!  Searching for good scripts is never ending but I deliberately stay away from googling those.  Instead, I found brochures, magazines, scripts from plays, slogans and lots of pet lovers’ testimonials.  I even wrote a few!  Who knew that inspiration could come from so many under utilized sources?

My coach is also my producer and is an 11 time Emmy winner who knows what he is doing.  I sometimes joke that his display cabinet is where the Emmy company stores its inventory but he’s earned every one of them.  I know I’m in good hands but I’m still nervous.  He sets the bar pretty high.  If he’s happy with the final product I am going to be overjoyed.

What has been another perk in my VO prep has been improved auditions for on camera work.  Studying the nuances of rhythm, tone, mouth work, accents, etc. have made my work in general more vivid and believable. Of course, acting chops have to be there too.

I love knowing I can do this!  For those who care to, please wish me luck as I wish the best for you also.

Ok, my mic levels are set and tested.  My copy is ready and readable.  Headsets on my head, voice warmed up, water bottle on the desk and my coach/producer in my ear and at the controls.  The world is about to be changed.  Stay tuned!

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