Wit and Whimsy VO


Unforgettably entertaining.

Lee Colee - Wit and Whimsy VO

The Blog of Lee Coleé

Puberty Passed Me By but I Caught a Ride!

Can we Talk?

Can we Talk?

As Joan Rivers used to say, “Can we talk?” I’m a proud and middle class baby boomer and I’ve always thought I looked...

Who Needs A Phone!!

Who Needs A Phone!!

Hey, can we vent here?  If you have a solution please contact me, if not just let me rant and maybe commiserate.  Why...

Being Stubborn Is Not a Fault!

Being Stubborn Is Not a Fault!

There have been so many times I’ve wanted to say, “Screw it!” and walk away from whatever or whoever was annoying me,...

A Cat’s Eye View of Voice Over

A Cat’s Eye View of Voice Over

(Written by MY KITTY as Lee is out on a gig) You’ve seen some of my pictures but let me introduce myself. I am, MY...

Life in the Vast Lane

Life in the Vast Lane

This past month has been a whirl wind. Moving up in the ranks if VO means the merry go round spins so much faster! For...

Don’t Just Sit There, Worry!

Don’t Just Sit There, Worry!

It’s a cliché for a reason: “Be careful what you wish for,” because all too often, it happens! And when it does, I...

What Will This Christmas Bring?

What Will This Christmas Bring?

Like most people all over the world now, I am looking forward to the rest of the holiday season. The gathering of...

It’s A Quiet Thing!

It’s A Quiet Thing!

When it all comes true, just the way you planned, it’s a quiet thing.  These are the lyrics to a song I heard long ago...

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